Do drummers belong on their own riser? Of course they do!
Drummers have an important job. They set the pace, find the groove and keep the band running smoothly. And sometimes they do all this without ever being seen … unless they have their own riser!
But a drum riser does a lot more than just making sure the drummer is seen:
- A drum riser provides isolation from the ground or stage on which the rest of the band is performing, which makes for a better drum sound and less rumble under your feet.
- It provides a visual focal point on stage and breaks up the straight line of performers.
- It sets the drummer at eye level with the rest of the band for better communication.
- It also brings the kick drum and snare closer to the band's ears so they can hear the beat better.
- And considering most drummers are relegated to the basement for practicing, a drum riser is essential to protect your drums from water damage in the event of flooding.
How Big Does It Need to Be?
Most drum kits can fit comfortably on a 6'x6' drum riser, and in many cases there's even room left over for a monitor. Four Intellistage 3'x3' Portable Stage Units is all it takes - just lock them together to create your 6'x6' drum riser.
Need more room? Got a larger drum kit or lots of cymbals and percussion? Create an 8'x8' drum riser with four Intellistage 4'x4' Portable Stage Units.
What Are My Finish & Height Options?
IntelliStage Portable Stage Units are available in two distinct finishes...

(water-resistant, easier to clean)

(less sound reflection, lower cost)
... and four distinct heights: 8", 16", 24" and 32"
Anything Else?
One more pro tip: By placing a step in front of the drum riser, you can easily create a tiered effect. Check out this 16" tall 8'x8' Drum Riser with a 4' wide step in front:
Adding a simple step, even one that's just 8" off the ground, takes any drum riser to the next level. It connects the rest of the band members to the drummer, providing a nice little walkway where everyone can meet. And the criss-cross pattern of the contrasting risers is an eye-catching look, sure to draw the attention of even the most faraway fans. Choose from a 3' step or a 4' step to take your setup a step up!
So let's get those drummers noticed. Let's get them up where they belong ... ready to rock and rule the world!